Monday, 31 May 2010

My First Weekend

With nothing better to do, and knowing that there was plenty of work to be done, Saturday saw me getting through half of the pit sensors on my own, and then working on the unit pressurisation system controls with Gabriel. As he built his he had me repeating his steps, parrot fashion, on another control unit. A couple of hours later we had two finished units, and he seemed confident that they would both work properly. I'm not so sure as his wiring looks as neat as a map of the Underground while mine resembles Spaghetti Junction.

After the workers had left the office I headed over to shopping centre near the flat to pick up some essentials and do a big shop. I was quite restrained in that I haven't spent any of my expenses on wine yet but that's because there are no New World labels (go figure!) in the drinks section of Carrefour and I'm a fish out of water when it comes to Italian wines. For my first real day of rest I pottered over to Ikea, which is only 10 minutes by car, and grabbed some kitchen essentials and a couple of bags of frozen meatballs. And a plant too - I have named him Barry. Then I went for a drive to find out where the parking at San Donato Metro station is, so that one day I can take a trip to central Milan.

In short I didn't get much rest over the weekend but it was pretty productive.

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