Friday, 24 June 2011

The Gangs All Here

We are all reunited. It's been 5 days short of 2 months but we are all together again.

Rae and Oscar had a bit of trouble getting to Brissy - their layover in Bangkok let them stretch their legs but lasted an hour longer than expected when one of the passengers disappeared and the whole plane had to be empited out so the extra bags could be removed. Which meant that their connection time in Sydney was truncated and they had to rush through the international airport and only made it to their domestic flight to Brisbane in the nick of time. I just made it to the airport (despite going to the international terminal and then getting lost while trying to find a park at the domestic arrivals) but unfortunately the car seat Rae had brought out didn't make it up from Sydney which meant we were stuck at the airport until Qantas finally loaned us one while we waited for it to come up on the next flight.

Oscar was a total motor mouth of excited conversation on the way back, and I was so intent on listening to everything he had to tell me I forgot to keep an ear on the "left and right radio" (as Oscar calls our in-car satnav) and we ended up driving over a toll bridge and having to double back again. Not that I minded because it gave me extra time to listen to my little boy natter on.

Currently they are both fast asleep. Oscar made it to 2pm and Rae to 5pm. Not bad considering they went +36 hours with 5 hours sleep. Hopefully they'll sleep the night through but somehow I doubt it and there will be a few more days of broken sleep to come before they begin to settle into a normal routine.

1 comment:

  1. Well holy crap.... I've found you! ;) Howya doin' my old RS team-mate? Wowzers, I have been away for so long and was thinking of you.

    Glad to see you are well, and now I shall begin catching up with your posts.

    Hello again old friend!
