Tuesday 8 February 2011

McKFC Anyone?

Last Friday the expat community shook its head in wonder when the news that McDonalds had run out of icecream for McFlurry's and sundaes spread. Then there was a moment of shock when we found out that supplies of cheese and lettuce/onions/pickles had been reduced to nil. No worries we all thought, we can eat burgers. Our mood was soured yesterday when the latest update reached our ears: NO BURGERS!

Yes, that's right. The world's most famous burger chain had run out of meat patties! So instead of two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun a Big Mac now consists of special sauce on a sesame seed bun.

So what are they serving today? Fried chicken, fries and rice. This country rocks.

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